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GABRIEL MAC is an award-winning author now writing exclusively at The Faggot-Witch Whenever.

He’s written two books, plus cover stories for Rolling Stone, the New York Times Magazine, Mother JonesNew York, and Audubon, as well as features for GQ, Wired, the Guardian, Orion, and Sunset, among other publications. He’s been a correspondent for PBS and Vice News Tonight on HBO, and appeared on major national and international media outlets including C-Span, MSNBC, NPR, Al Jazeera, Democracy Now, the BBC, CBC, and Deutsche Welle. He’s won awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, the Hillman Foundation, the Online News Association, the Society of Environmental Journalists, and the Association for Women in Communications; his first book, For Us Surrender Is Out of the Question, was a finalist for the 2011 Dayton Literary Peace Prize, and he’s been nominated for three National Magazine Awards for Feature Writing. His work has been anthologized in the Best American Magazine Writing, Best American Nonrequired Reading, and Best Business Writing, been noted in multiple Best American Essays, been translated and reprinted around the world, and inspired multiple other books, two of which went on to moviedom.

he Formerly published under the byline mac mcclelland. He appears in a multitude of photographs online as a good-looking lady.